Frequently Asked Questions

We cover most metrics that have a significant influence on the value of an Amazon FBA business. The biggest difference between our given valuation and the business's true value, usually comes from not knowing the actual SDE (Seller's Discretionary Earnings).

To calculate this, we would need to look at your detailed Profit & Loss Statement and determine things such as add-backs, inventory fluctuations and more.

There are some metrics we don’t factor in, such as the level of competition in your category, the potential lifespan of your products, the presence of key man risk and a few other factors.

While they may seem significant, all of these metrics are highly subjective. You can expect our valuation to be close to accurate, even without factoring these in.
We use a variation of the SDE (Sellers Discretionary Earnings) Multiple methodology by applying a valuation multiple to a figure close to what the business's SDE is expected to be.

As most people using our tool will not yet have determined their true SDE, we have to make some assumptions, but we aim to get as close as possible without diving deep into your financials.
No. Our automated valuations are purely indicative and this is all they ever could be, since we lack the necessary source data to perform a fully comprehensive valuation.

For this purpose, you would need to speak to a business appraisal company.
If I told you, I'd have to kill you :-)

But you may be able to find some hints here.
Not really.

While we have to forgo some data points that could potentially add to or remove from your business's valuation (you wouldn't want to spend an hour filling out the valuation form, would you!), we've actually covered all the big ones.

When it comes to things like the business's presence on Facebook or its amazing domain name, contrary to popular belief, these are actually NOT things that add directly to the value.

That's because your business's value is derived by applying a multiple to your yearly earnings and such items have already contributed to your earnings. This means that if they were to be taken into account as an additional value-adding factor, we'd be effectively double-counting them.

About Us

The FBA Guys aims to help Amazon sellers launch, grow and eventually exit from their businesses by providing access to high-quality information, resources and recommendations.

Founded by a serial M&A entrepreneur Bryan O'Neil, our team has over 21 years of combined experience in the online business acquisitions industry. We've bought, sold, brokered and analysed a larger number of websites and businesses than most.

Want to know more? Click here.

Bryan O'Neil
Born a serial entrepreneur. Techy. Business Broker. Analytical Mind.
Justin Gilchrist
UK based entrepreneur with a love of super geeky data led projects.