Planning to Sell Your AMZ Business?

Find out how much it's worth

The World's Most Accurate Amazon Business Valuation Tool

1. Which Amazon marketplace are most of your sales from?


Find out the Market Value of your Amazon Business in 15 minutes flat


The whole thing won't cost you a single penny and there is no catch


With a dataset of over 500 FBA Businesses sold, our tool is accurate 92%+ of the times


We won't even ask you for the name of your Amazon Business


1. Valuation

As its most important component, the valuation tool will provide you the value range of your Amazon FBA business.

What you'll see is an approximate range where the value of your business is most likely to land in, giving you a good indication of what your business is worth on the open market.

To learn more about how and why is our valuation tool accurate, see here: How Can an Online Business Valuation Tool Be Accurate?

2. Multiple

This is the Seller's Discretionary Earnings or SDE (learn more) multiple that the valuation tool has determined for your business.

Similarly to the actual valuation itself, what you'll see is a range, rather than a set multiple, as the final multiple is determined by the market.

3. Confidence Gauge

The valuation tool is better at valuing certain types of Amazon businesses versus others.

While it would be impossible to build a tool that can accurately value every single type of business, we've done the next best thing and made sure the tool knows when it's likely to be wrong.

The Confidence Gauge will tell you just that: the higher the level, the more accurate your valuation is likel to be.

4. Valuation Breakdown

Here, we'll break down the most important aspects that influence the market value of your FBA business, if you were to sell it.

Both of the two lists are presented in the order of importance, giving you a good overview of what are the things you should mostly work on to improve the value of your ecommerce business.

While some of these things won't be under your direct control, others will, allowing you to focus on what's important and position your business for the best purchase price.


1. Which Amazon marketplace are most of your sales from?

About Us

The FBA Guys aims to help Amazon sellers launch, grow and eventually exit from their businesses by providing access to high-quality information, resources and recommendations.

Founded by a serial M&A entrepreneur Bryan O'Neil, our team has over 21 years of combined experience in the online business acquisitions industry. We've bought, sold, brokered and analysed a larger number of websites and businesses than most.

Want to know more? Click here.

Bryan O'Neil
Born a serial entrepreneur. Techy. Business Broker. Analytical Mind.
Justin Gilchrist
UK based entrepreneur with a love of super geeky data led projects.