Day: April 25, 2023

Accrual or Cash Accounting When Selling Your Amazon Business?

If you’re looking to sell your Amazon business, the financial statements you provide are typically the most critical information that potential buyers will consider. These statements reveal how your business’s unique selling points translate into actual profits. They also serve as useful tools for buyers to assess the risks and

About Us

The FBA Guys aims to help Amazon sellers launch, grow and eventually exit from their businesses by providing access to high-quality information, resources and recommendations.

Founded by a serial M&A entrepreneur Bryan O'Neil, our team has over 21 years of combined experience in the online business acquisitions industry. We've bought, sold, brokered and analysed a larger number of websites and businesses than most.

Want to know more? Click here.

Bryan O'Neil
Born a serial entrepreneur. Techy. Business Broker. Analytical Mind.
Justin Gilchrist
UK based entrepreneur with a love of super geeky data led projects.